Romanian Folk Dances

Rumänische Volkstänze

Streamed on 29.04.2024 at 10:00 CET


Romanian Folk Dances is a joyful choreography for 3 dancers, set to Béla Bartók’s music by Antonio Lanzo, a young member of Polish National Ballet. The work is part of Creations 16, the 16th Choreographic Workshop of Polish National Ballet, performed on stage from 13 to 16 March 2024. The release of this film for International Dance Day was followed by a live interview of Antonio Lanzo on OperaVision’s Instagram account.

Barbara Derleta
Paulina Magier
Alan Polański
Antonio Lanzo
Béla Bartók
‘Romanian Folk Dances’ (NI1771) courtesy of Wyastone Estate Limited
Video Projections
Claire Barrow
Film director
Ewa Krasucka